What Does The Check Engine Light Mean?
That little light can mean a lot of things. How do you know if it’s a serious problem or just a small issue? One day, this might happen...

Tire Rotation 101
How Do You Know When to Switch Your Car Tires Around? Ever looked at the bottom of your shoes and noticed that one area of the sole is...

What is a VIN Number
What Is A VIN? Most vehicle owners have had to reference their Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) at some point or another. Whether for...

9 Ways to Ruin Your Paint Without Knowing It
Keeping your car looking good isn't just a matter of enhancing its resale value, although that's important too, it's also your car's only...

Four Symptoms of a Sick Cooling System
With the hot summer temperatures on the rise, knowing the symptoms of a sick cooling system are critical to your summer driving plans,...

Don't Wait for the Heat to Check A/C System
Keep Your Cool in Hot Summer Cars When it’s hot outside, one of the last places you want to be is sitting in traffic without a properly...

Dream Vacation or Nightmare Road Trip? Pre-Trip Vehicle Check Can Make the Difference
Road trip car trouble can be a real nightmare, but performing a pre-trip vehicle check helps drivers avoid a vacation breakdown disaster,...

Keep Calm and Drive On - Keep Your A/C in Check!
If the summer heat drives you to distraction, the last thing you need is a malfunctioning air conditioning (A/C) system when you’re on...

Car Maintenance
Car Maintenance: What to Expect at Each Service Interval Let’s face the facts, no one likes car maintenance. Not only can proper services...

Good Reasons To Tint Your Windows!
Besides your personal preference, there are many other benefits to window tinting your vehicle. These include adding extra protection to...

What to Do in the Event of an Accident
Accidents are always stressful events, no matter how serious the results. With adrenaline pumping through you, it can be difficult to...

Vehicle Lights and Wipers: The Keys to See and Be Seen
As the days get shorter, lights and wipers play a major role in safe driving, as the chance of an accident increases if you can’t see or...

Car Brakes: How Do You Know When to Change Them?
Vehicle brakes are vital to your safety when driving. What signs indicate that they’re wearing out? For those who suffer a daily commute...

Have You Made Your Car Care Resolution
A Resolution You Should Keep: Be Car Care Aware Why not resolve to be car care aware in the coming year? By spending a little time now on...

To Idle or Not Idle, That is the Question
To Idle or Not to Idle, That is the Question It is that time of the year when many motorists let their vehicle “warm up” or idle before...